Friday, February 6, 2009

Liam's story about his family

OK, we went to parent teacher conference last night. Liam is doing great - good grades, tests very high on standardized tests, etc, etc. But, what we really enjoyed was Liam story and picture hanging in the hall for everyone to see. Each kid in the class drew a picture of their family and then wrote a story called "My Family". Liam drew beautiful stick figures of his family (yes he's in 5th grade - not really into art). And, in his story he told how old his parents and brother were (thank you Liam) and then explained that his mom likes to WATCH TV and his dad likes to PLAY WORLD OF WARCRAFT and his brother likes to WATCH TV and he likes to PLAY WORLD OF WARCRAFT. Wow, we don't sound like a lazy family do we. Brilliant!


crawford said...

That's hilarious!! And, exactly what my child will write someday!!

Heidi said...

That's so great. I was always amazed at what kids would reveal at school. And they spin it so well!

Anonymous said...

lol, yeah my kids think all I do all day is play guitar hero... if they only knew :)

The BC Fam said...

Too funny! My 11 year old used to write about Warcraft on all his writing assignments. He's still into the game, but doesn't write about it every chance he gets. My hubby plays too :)