Saturday, July 3, 2010


I totally stole this picture from Andrea's blog, sorry! Liam and Stephen aren't pictured, but I have to point out that they came with us.

But I LOVED Eclipse, and my Eclipse treat holders!! This book was by far my favorite in the Twilight Saga. In fact, I skimmed the book (thoroughly reading my favorite parts) before seeing the movie. Because I read the last 150 pgs the day of the show I realized that the movie really did follow the book. I was very happy about that. Even a lot the dialogue was right from the book.

Here is my frustration, and please don't think that I'm a giant pediphile. Movie Jacob is so good looking that it really ruins the story for me. In the book I loved Edward so, so much and was angry when Bella kissed him or would go to see him. But in the movie I'm thinking Edward is so....not Jacob that I keep finding myself leaning a little more Team Jacob than I should.

Now, who wants to go see it again??


crawford said...

I do!!

Russel and Marcie Sipes said...

UGH--I can't wait to see it. I swear I was the last person to see New moon and I will probably be the last to see Eclipse too. Glad it followed the book and that you liked it.

Heidi said...

Me- because I didn't get in on the first time. I have always been team Jacob so I really liked this part of the story. And I need to see your new shorter hair.