Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lucky Charms!

So, here we are on St. Patrick's Day.
I go downstairs to switch the laundry and come back up to find this.
Gavin with a broom and dustpan in his hands.

I guess he thought he'd get a little St. Patrick's themed treat all by himself.

Unfortunately it ended up all over the entire kitchen floor.
At least he's taking the responsibility for cleaning it up, right??


Marc Thomson said...

Nice! My kids would have left it on the floor. Actually, Kassi would probably eat it off the floor like a puppy. I really need to teach them to use a broom.

crawford said...

That is so cute!

Amy Savage said...

That is so cute! Cooper did the same thing with rice about 3 weeks ago. They keep it real, eh?

Janae Downey said...

I can't believe your baby is 2 years old! He is so cute and seems like a sweet little boy. Does he have Lucky Charms for breakfast every day, or just on St. Patrick's Day? Do you watch Jon & Kate plus 8? She got all of her kids little brooms and dust pans, I've thought about doing the same. JaNae