Saturday, July 26, 2008

President Monson

Please forgive the horrible filming. I was trying to get the shot and help Liam get by to the end of the row so that he could see President Monson better. Melissa, Liam, my grandma Prestwich and I were sitting just a few rows back from the stage, but all the way to the side. At first we thought we had bad seats, but we then realized that we would be able to see all of the general authorities come in and out. Liam was so excited to be able to see the Prophet up close.

My dad, Andrea, Melissa, Jackie, Stephen, Stephen's mom, Grandma Prestwich, Liam, and I all went up to see the Pioneer Day concert with "The Osmonds" at the Conference Center. The trip was great and the choir was great and seeing President Monson was great, but the Osmonds - not that great.


Anonymous said...

What a great experience! How did you get such amazing seats?

Meridyth said...

What an awesome experience! I remember meeting him when i was in high school when he came for a regional conference here in Louisville. He signed my journal (he said he wasn't supposed to but that he would make an exception).