Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Thoughts

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year, visiting with family and eating of course.
It's been a rough year in our home, but this is a good time of year to remember all the things we do have to be thankful for. It's so easy to dwell on all the things that go wrong and all the things you don't have. But, all of the things that are really important we do have.
This year I'm thankful for:
  1. Healthy & happy boys in my home!
  2. A wonderful husband that is very good to me!
  3. A very supportive and loving extended family!
  4. The knowledge we have of the true gospel that keeps my focus on what is truly important in this life!

So, as we enter the Christmas season I am going to try very hard to be happy and enjoy this time of year. I'm going to try not to focus on what is missing, but what we have. Christmas isn't about what presents you can give or what presents you get. It's about celebrating the birth of Christ. Maybe this year it might be even easier to keep the focus in the right place.