Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dance Festival 2009

Another great dance festival.

A bunch of little white kids doing the Huka, kind of funny.

Liam the dancer!

Memorial Day 2009

Liam, Melissa, Trevan, and I went to the cemetery on Sunday with our grandma. This was the first year that they had the cross and flag out for our grandpa that passed away last year. My grandma was happy to see that his was right below a big tree. They are supposed to be putting his name on the veteran wall at the end of June.

The Cherry Tree

We lost one of the cherry trees last week. We lost a branch when we had a really heavy snow in April and I guess caused the tree to become out of balance. It snapped in a strong wind. Now we just need to figure our where to take it and how to take it there.

Family Train Ride

My dad's friend invited us over for a train ride. It's the same train we went on at Christmas time. I'm glad Gavin liked it this time.

This time, after the main train ride, they pulled out the little Thomas train and let the kids ride around on it. They had so much fun. I even think Liam had a lot of fun even though he thought he was too big for it.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hope of America 2009

This year Liam was in the Hope of America at the Marriott Center. All of the 5th grade students in the area participate and it's a great program. If you can find the bottom right hand corner of the blue part of the flag, Liam is sitting directly to the right of that corner in a red shirt.

There was a cute 92 year old lady that danced as part of the Golden Girls (or something like that). Then she stayed out and did a solo. She was pretty good.

This was one of Liam's favorite songs "America Rocks".

It really was a great program, much better than I expected.

Good Job Liam!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Last Pack Meeting for Liam

Liam has attended his last pack meeting as a cub scout.
He finished his Arrow of Light, but his mom was too lazy to get it on his shirt.
I can't believe he is old enough to be done and moving on to boy scouts.
He has even gone on his first overnight campout by himself! He had a great time!!
(by the way, yes I have purchased new "short" socks since this picture)
They really made him work for his last award though.
Then, Gavin helped out by going up and dumping the whole pool of
packing peanuts out. That was the BIGGEST mess ever to clean up.
They were stuck to everyone and they were everywhere. Nightmare.