Our poor Gavin became sick very suddenly on Monday night. He couldn't hold anything down and by the next morning was very pale and lethargic. We made an appointment and took him to the pediatrician at 2:00 on Tuesday. Dr. Later walked in and said "we're going to the hospital" before he even asked us a single question. He could just tell that he was very dehydrated. His nurse walked us over (the office is attached to the Provo hospital) and he was admitted. They gave him an IV, but it took 4 tries to get it because he was so dehydrated.They expected him to feel better within 4 or 5 hours and planned to keep him overnight to make sure. But, he ended up getting a high fever. They ran several tests, but could never figure out what it was. Every test came back negative.
He did a lot of sleeping. Unfortunately for me, the pull out bed was not so comfy. He also did a lot of crying when a nurse would come in. He had them poking him so much that he just knew something bad was going to happen when they came in.
By Wednesday evening his fever had broken and he started feeling a little better. On Thursday morning he would finally eat and drink, even though it wasn't much. But, he was hydrated, eating, and the fever was gone so they let us take him home. He's still sick, but we hope he'll be completely better soon.